
Gray Blades dump Hawks Bellyachres 4 to 1

John was able to pick up Ron Chantaj  to help us out on the Def...he forgot his visor but the refs did not notice!!1...the Hawks did their usual hack and slash but mostly skated around in circles with no clear plan...we only had 8 players to their 3 lines!!!!

and surprise, surprise!!, Gordo shows up to watch us win the Constipation event!!! Our Goals were by Colin, Andy, a seeing eye goal from the slot and 2 others by John and Reg set up beautifully by Andy.....

Colin shows his slashing wound, that got him so mad that he did a "Bobby Orr" and skated through the whole team to notch the clincher!!!
Stothers, whose team defeated Caseys to win the championship, joins our table...Casey's added 2 guys whose age does not add up to mine late in the season, but in the end, they lost!!!!....Jim Stone had the usual 3 assist tonight, that he donated to Owen, for some reason.....and this night was my last for the winter season league...my thanks to John for doing a great job taking over and to Cub reporter Reg who will be doing the Blog in the future.