
Gray Blades lose playing 2 teams!!

Lost the last game of the season . Didn't help that the refs call a penalty on us with 3 minutes to go????

Mark and Gordo scored on beautiful set ups by Johnny... in the early going but their #12 answered back right away

and it did not help that we shot at their Goalies Pads all night long!!

Jim Stone assisted on all of our goals and all of their goals......I can say that because he never reads this blog!!1

Reg was there 


Wednesday night Summer Hockey Practice Squad for the Gray Blades ....friends and Family wrap up the summer season

Danielle had a great game tonight!!

Phil was on his game!!

The Dark side provided some great offence!!

But the Home town favourites prevailed!!

Finally at the Sports bar we get a room without wobbly chairs

I miss the wobbly chairs!!

Let us hope we can do this again next year!!


Gary Blades lose there first game of the summer

Reg is the last to arrive and that is ominous as he is usually one of the first...we would lose 4 to 2 to the upstart Envelopes (wood Choppers!!)

Yes it was in the early Spring that we last lost a game, so far back that we can hardly remember....The Envelopes were on fire and wanted this game more than we did

Mike filled in for Robbo and unfortuneatly we could not come up  with the offence that we usually provide. Jim Stone's 3 assists were not enough to help.


Flash Back 2009 Grand Ben Invitational

Back when Old Boy Friends and Husbands were there

Be fore Larry was side lined

MVI_4082 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.

when Bob Brewster was welcomed!!

MVI_4080 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.

When Paul could not survive without a Canadian in hand