Several Blades took an early season trip to warmer US weather. MIA were Tom, Owen, Kerry and Colin. Plus with Gord and Mark on the DL, we were down to 8 skaters. Reggie got Andy Rogers from the Corbetts' league to help out as the 3rd D although Chads would have been ok playing the full 60.
Golden Pond were not so golden this week. They had guys partying in the sun as well. They only had 7 skaters and were easy prey for the Blades.
Paul continues to be strong down the middle and chipped in with 2 goals. The gamesheet showed Andy with 3 goals. But Andy said 1 went off Jim's backside, so give Jim 1 goal and Andy 2 goals. A quick check of the gamesheet on Friday morning, showed Jim with 2 goals and Andy with 1. Hmmm . . . . there may have been another modification at Jack's by anonymous.
Tom took a picture of this sign a few weeks ago. Different picture this week.
Someone forgot his hockey pants in the dressing room. Here they are waiting to be retrieved.

As usual, we saw Dan Stothers and Lyons at Jack's. We play them next week. Have to follow Jim's training program to be ready to play my best next week.