
Gary Blades 6 Derbys 3

  DSCN3709 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.
Down 3 to 1 early in the first period before we even knew where we were

But not to worry, late in the first period, Colin one times a beauty from the point that bulges the twine...but the refs decided that the net was loose so the goal did not count...so one again we were playing 2 teams!!

So late in the 2nd period, Faster Pete scores a beauty to make it 3 to 2 for the bad guys and we are back in the game!!

So.....in the 3rd period, they start to run out of gas with only 2 lines and we took control scoring 4 goals!!

2 by Andy, and 2 by Quiggs, and singles to Pete and Reg ..and we remain undefeated

 You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Owen......or so Jim found out!!...apologies not excepted!!...Maybe you had to be there!!

Once again, Faster Pete brought his dinner for the post game and making everyone hungry while we watched....sitting next to the newly retired Quiggs, who can now seek work with Stone!!

And back at Jacks, they were waiting for us

Tanya looked after us as usual!!