
Gray Blades defeat the 1st place Urine Pond!!!

Team Manager, John Annan's rigid Holiday Conditioning program paid off as the Pond could not handle our superior strength....only allowed 9 beers a day and one bag of Chips or a Pizza, made us strong!!

Jim Stone had 3 assists, on the 2 goals....he banked it off the boards to himself in the late going and then rifled it over to a patient Chads who used me as a decoy (if only the Goalie knew) and then shelfed it!! The insurance goal was scored by Quiggs  

Reg forgot his sweater tonight and seemed a bit lost and worried about what to do if an empty net opportunity came up!!
At Jack's, Tanya had our reserved table waiting for us in the corner where the anxious Puck Bunnies could only dream of us  from afar
Some of the Puck Bunnies that follow us around....the "Jeff" that is referred to is code for "Stone"