
Flash Back 1991 Gray Blades go to Hamilton!!

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Top Left John Jarman who became Captain when I took over management duties, Dr Dymon, Ermie Shimano who retired about 4 years ago, Bruce Roberts who use to work for Nortel and about 10 years  ago moved to Calgary, Bob Brewster, Bob Tippett, Bill Gamache and Frank Soave,  Bottom Left, John Sudac , Ron Craig who has sponsored the Blades for the Last 25 years, Len Deflece who beat me by a point in the High school scoring, Rob Hamilton!! Do You have a Day?   He tried to take the team over! He almost destroyed our team, but thanks to Stone, Murray,Bruce, Ernie,  and others that I cannot remember we were able to boot him out...Katrhryn is on his lap, Murray and Moi......we lost the first game to Oakville 4 to 1, then we lost the second to Mississauga Bruins 4 to 2 and then lost to London 5 to 0...we decided to not go to Hamilton Tournaments again,,,awful arenas and lousy game times....Missing is Larry and Stone and I cannot remember why!!