
Robboless Gray Blades are Pummelled 6 to 1 by the upstart Envelopes

Can you see the dejection! Our only goal was scored by Johnny A.......Reg did not make it until the 2nd period and we missed him....and boy, did the Envelopes gloat tonight at the bar!!!!They are still eating chicken wings and we know that that will eventually kill them!!!

Quiggs was a great call up except he fell down tonight more than a hooker on Jarvis Street...Dennis took up a collection for a skate sharpening for him.

They benched their old Farts, Taxi and Gilbert, called up a guy from the youth league before us  and proceeded to kick the shit out of us...........swell.......
a few things I 
learned tonight...dont take a pic of Ron and I have to retire soon!!