
Refs Win...we never had a chance

Faster Jarman arrives not knowing how brutal this game will be

Ron was to fast for me to get a profile

Jim has just been informed that he is in the starting lineup

Brothers in law start to arrive

Peter C doesn't know it yet, but this will be a short game...at least he gets a goal B4 he leaves

Steve talks to our new president, a good pal of Jim, Brian Tingey

With 6 whole minutes of 5 on 3 Robbo shuts the door, in spite of the Ref conspiracy

We lost 2 to 1 but never had chance as we spent the last half of the game in the box

Dr Mac Pete was there in full force

Peter C gets kicked out for pointing out to the Refs that they couldn't run a free lunch counter

Dr.Mac Pete wanted to take on the refs

At least the Beer was good