
Gray Blade 5 Horizon 0

Last time out we lost to these guys 2 to 1

Robbo was great and frustrated the hell out of these guys

Murray went back to D and did the job

Jim was at the Bar not sure if he was at the game

Tom scored the 1st goal on a nice feed fro Colin that made for a breakaway on a goalie who kindly made available the 5 hole

Near the end of the 2nd period and the beginning of the 3rd JJ and Johnny A combine for 3 quick give and go beauties that put Horizon away

To cap it off Steve scored #5 on an nice feed from Dr Pete who was fed from Steve, so according to the game sheet...Steve got credit for an assist on his own goal

A couple of wobblies at DaSavinios after the game was the best part

Tom is talking about the big fish he caught in Florida

And Owen controlled the play on D and got 3 helpers for the night.......and no penalties for the Blades tonight


Nov 22nd Blades bow to Erin Mills 3 to 2

Missing were Tom, Peter ,Gordo and Ron
Apparently we out shot and out played them but lost anyway


Gray Blades win 3 to 2 anyway X Caseys

With 3 players suspended and Stone and Craig on Hiatus, we win anyway..no penalties by the way..even though the Idiot Ref who caused all of this was there

Peter..4 games.....Gordo..3 games....Mark..1 game...I guess we are the Phildelphia goons of oldtimer hockey

Pathetic really as not much happened for them to deserve this . We had goals by Murray, Andy, our call up and the winner by Steve.

Jim wasn't there but Barbara had his veggies ready  as she did not know.....she will keep the plate minus what Dr Pete had, for him the next game


Blades beat Harco 5 to 2

When I entered the Arena tonight I get handed a list of 3 players suspended ....2 for the season and one for the game

We had no idea...just informed before the game and no real damage was done in the game before

So we told the Pres....we will not play unless you let the 3 players in question play,,,,they agreed

But we have a battle as the expulsions are BS

Any how...won 5 to 2 ..3 goals by Tom, one on his own net, JJ had a beauty....so did Mark and Johnny A

Good beers at the Bar and only 10 bucks a guy

Steve was there as our off ice Coach


Refs Win...we never had a chance

Faster Jarman arrives not knowing how brutal this game will be

Ron was to fast for me to get a profile

Jim has just been informed that he is in the starting lineup

Brothers in law start to arrive

Peter C doesn't know it yet, but this will be a short game...at least he gets a goal B4 he leaves

Steve talks to our new president, a good pal of Jim, Brian Tingey

With 6 whole minutes of 5 on 3 Robbo shuts the door, in spite of the Ref conspiracy

We lost 2 to 1 but never had chance as we spent the last half of the game in the box

Dr Mac Pete was there in full force

Peter C gets kicked out for pointing out to the Refs that they couldn't run a free lunch counter

Dr.Mac Pete wanted to take on the refs

At least the Beer was good