Gray Blades defeat Old Night Hawks 2 to 1
2 goals by Mark and an outstanding game by Robbo meant that the Hawks would be removed from 1st place and replaced by the Blades ( if only for an hour as Casey's was likely to win their game in the next hour)
The Blades were with out the Anonymous guy and Ron Craig whom were not really needed and frankly we don't know what to do with them upon their return. The team was thinking that they should stay where they are.
The Refs did there best to help the Hawks as Colin was called for a penalty with 2 minutes to go when a guy fell near him. What else is new?? That is the only way they were going to score as they pulled their goalie and went for broke and scored (assisted by the refs)
Steve was picking on their pony tailed defenceman ( 3 times Steve's weight) and I told the Hawks team Rep that I would ask Steve to cut some slack to the Fat Boy