
Gray Blades Blow away Mauligans 6 to zippo

Another shutout for Robbo  and 2 goals by Johnny A, one was a beauty...other goals by Paul, Gordo,Steve and Billy. Jake was back after 2 months and he looked like he never missed a game. Ernie was tripped more times then a free run chicken. Mauligans whacked and Hacked like that guy Jason from Friday the 13th, but the refs left their whistles in their pocket. Stoner was a no show as he is suffering a groin injury and Tuch still with the back and we did not have our sponsor Ron Craig as he was out scouting in Jamaica.
 At Jack's, the boys talk about the great win
 Candy joins us, wondering where Jim Stone was as he promised her a spot in his new movie
Jack's has an endless supply of microphones