
As we get close to remembrance day, lets remember the Blades that have passed on

Time to remember some
John Yocum, played for twenty years on our Taxi squad, summer and winter
Jack Wensley, played for the Blades from the beginning in the late 70's when were the North Stars up until the early 90's when he moved to the East Coast to be with his new bride

Dr Bob Wilkinson, head of Surgery at Toronto Western hospital, played in the 90's and made all of our 7 trips to the Florida Tournaments

Leo Baker, died way to young in his 50's, was a real game changer!

Larry Dallimore, played with us in the 70's ,80's and 90's..won so many "Oldest guy at the tournament"  awards , that he refused to accept any more. Best Def Partner I ever had!!

Ed Batna, played goal for us in our first Florida Tournament because we could not get a Goalie. A great centre man and a damn good Goalie

Bo played for us in a couple of tournaments, a good friend of Ron Hurst and a great Left winger
Steve Blundy, our very best Hockey player, sorely missed!!

Dr Emil Orsini, died way to young, around 50. A great centre man that was a top player on our "WOP" line with Tuch and Len Deflece

of the Gray Blades that have moved to the big rink in the sky


Gray Blades 5 Mimico Slashers 2

We played 2 teams tonight

The Refs left their whistles in their pocket

Hacking and slashing was the norm for these woodchoppers

We scoered our second goal that was cALLED BACK BECAUSE THEY , the refs.,ARE TOO LAZY TO KEEP UP WITH THE PLAY

And they got a goal that never entered the net.....like i Said we were playing 2 teams....

So for the first time in history, our Goalie, Robbo had a Hatrick!!...Or maybe that was Andy weARING HIS SWEATER

Jim Stone, again , had 3 assists tonight and leads the league in points only slightly ahead of Andy

We are probably in a tie for first place but there are no stats!!
Tanya, once again had our frosted glases ready for us

And next we we have the early game as we enter Movember!!

Banter before the game
DSCN2542 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.Banter after the game


This Sunday ran into Bob Tippett at Centennial Arena

He plays in the Platinum division for the West Mall Hockey League....his room mate, Bill Gamache,  also 76 years old is having a tough time getting around with a walker

The guys , also known as the "Daryls" played for the Blades in the 90's!!


Gray Blades tie Erin Mills 3 all

We were missing Andy, Mark, Johnny and Owen

Reg scored the 1st goal on his owen rebound, playing with Tom and Stone

and we looked like we were our way but they scored 3 unanswered goals to go up 3 to 1 and we were throwing everything we had at them but their Goalie stood on his head

probably outshot them 35 to 8!!

with 5 minutes to go we asked ourselves what would Johnny do?  He would move Chads up to Centre and Tom back to def.....that did it...a goal by Kerry and Faster Pete and we were all tied up

Our original thought was that once we got up 4 goals we would start the "Grandfather Line"  (above)....but we never got the chance...especially since Tom got his new knee!!

So...goals by Reg, Kerry and Faster Pete

All 3 assisted by Jim Stone.....now a Russian legend!!

So a first place team manages to tie a last place team....I am ready to hand the squad back to Johnny

And it should be said that Tanya had our table ready and our frosted glasses....so at least the beer was good

And now for a Flash Back..to when I had knees...1988 in Daytona Beach with Mr Blades , when I was Captain of all things!!...a tournament that we won,just before some of the boys took him to a strip joint where he lost his virginity........his trunk was never the same again....I think he is in an old Pink Elephants Home now hoping Hillary Clinton gets elected so he can collect his entitlements!!


Gary Blades on Wine tour!! Oct 15 2016

It was an old rickety bus but it got the job done
DSCN2358 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.

first stop Stone ridge owned by Bob Mccowen

the roses at the end of the wine rows

that are suppose to for warn of any disease

DSCN2388 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.

DSCN2402 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.

DSCN2447 from Tom Dallimore on Vimeo.


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