
Gray Blades defeat Lynx 6 to 5 in nail biter

Up 4 to zip in the first period it appeared that were going to coast to an easy win. Then the 2nd peiod started and we stopped skating, let our guard down and they score 5 unanswered goals. We manged only 2 goals but the one in the dying seconds sealed the win. 2 goals by Johnny A (who sholud have had more), 2 goals by rover faster Pete and one each by Mark and Stone (according to Jim he had 5 assists) Next week we play Envelpoes at 7:15 PM sans Faster Jarman.


Dr. Peteless Gray Blades dump Envelopes 4 to 1

Gray Blades took sole possession of 1st Place with tonight's victory 
We started poorly letting the enemy get the first goal
and they outplayed us

But Robbo kept us in the game and they just got more frustrated

We had goals by Faster Jarman, Johnny A, Dan and a change up by Colin from the point

Next week we play the Blues at 8:15 PM