
Gray Blade 4 Hawks 4

Once again the refs figured in the equation

Up 4 to 3 with 3 mins to

and the refs call at penalty on Owen

I thin for lookin too good

Goals by Murray and Stone on beautiful redirects

And Petr C had a nice slot shot that handcuffed their Goalie

Johnny A took us to the Lead 4 to 3


We won 9  to 3
3 goals by Johnny A,one by Stone and 2 by Dr, Pete...the checking line had 3 (half the production)
never mind that they are 100 years older then us

We Won


Gray Blades dump Fuddy Duddies 4 to 3

Goals by Peter ,  Murray, Jake and Owen...Steve was on the shelf and Tom was at the office Christmas Party

Jim Scored another as well as Jake but the refs blew it

#10 was contained and we solidified ourselves in 2nd Place

Next we play the 1st place team....Night Hawks


Controversial coaching decision to juggle the lines proves fateful

lends to a win for the Gray Blades

We broke up the JMJ line..lending Johnny A t o play with Stone and Tom and Dr. Pete took his place

Scored our first goal when Colin saw Tom in a breakaway position at their blueline...unlike last week when he scored he only got a wimpy shot away that their goalie put himself out of position to stop and the resulting rebound found its way to Johnny A's  stick where it quickly found the yawning cage for a 1 to zip lead

shortly after that Craig saw Faster Jarman on the right side slightly open where he took the feed and did the patented Jarman cut to put us ahead 2 to zip

But early in the 3rd period, the enemy scored on a bad line change that put them back in the game...now 2 to 1

But we held on for the win with a strong performance by Robbo and excellent last shift work by Mark to hog the puck

And we did all of this without our All Stars...Peter C, Gordo, and Steve...imagine how well we will do when they return next week

and speaking of next week we play the Buddies and their #10, legend in his own mind