
Stoneless Gray Blades win 1st game of the Playoffs

Just completed the winning game Dr. Pete ( just released from the Ukraine) tells something to Jarman that only he understands...Owen doesn't understand

2 Goals by Mark and an outstanding game by the D and Robbo Made the dif

The 3 to 1 victory sans Stone (Ron said he had the Sniffles) makes Jarman a little cocky as his line had 3 goals, really 4 as Johnny A's goal was disallowed by the slow witted Refs

Guest Coach Bob Brewster was quite proud of the crew as he and the Toro Group prepared go to Vegas


Gray Blades watch The Rock and Leafs lose at the ACC

^ Blades and their Main Squeezes attended the ACC to watch Lacrosse

The whole team was invited but......

The 12 that came had a real good time

Dinner was at Real Sports and was excellent

Jarman told the waitress that Jim could not also order the triple decker burger, but Jim was on to him

Jim's mug was large that he needed help lifting it

Jim put a napkin on JJ's head

The rest of you Gray Blades missed a good time

Sue makes a new friend


Gray Blades edge Old Buddies 6 to 5

Gordo had to sit out and that is what Robbo worried about the most
Colin had 1 goal and 3 assists

Mark had 2 goals and 3 assists and Johnny A had 1 goal and 4 assists and JJ had 2 goals, and the JMJ line continued to reak Havoc

Jim's line  was at the game...but we finished in 1st place anyway

Peter filled in on D, but hardly ever saw him there

JJ is wondering where we will play Craig when he gets back

Steve is sporting the Barbados National Cricket Team Sweater


Feb 09 Blades relegate Urine Pond to division 2

We beat the wood choppers 3 to 1 on goals by Steve, JJ, and Johnny A.  Their chance to finish top 4 was taken care of. We started with only 8 players as Owen forgot his pants, and Tom went home to get a spare and Gordo showed up as the walking wounded. Kelly brought the team goals against average down by allowing only one goal while making some fantastic saves.  Next week we are missing Ron and possibly Dr Pete and we still have Jim and Gordo as day to day........


Gray Blades visit Jim Stone's Annual Super Bowl Party

Jim has his Annual Super Bowl Party for which most of the Blades attended

Even former Blades that are retired or recovering

Of course Paul J was there looking for Paul Hopkins

and JJ needed this bucket to gather all the shit that was flying around

Bob Brewster was there fresh from his tour of Barbados 
Ron is pulling for New England

Richard is there with Robbo

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First Year in a long time that people actually watched the game

proof that I was there

Ron would later win the Grand Prize of $1000.00 and it is a good thing because he had some Parking tickets in New Market to pay

the girls are laughing because they know that all the money the boys won would eventually be theirs

Their team is winning

Why are these folks laughing

John has a new hand signal

Friends off the Ice only