
Proof Positive ,Gordo Tripped on a breakaway Refs win

Gray Blades Lose in Overtime to 2 Teams

Da Blades prepare for the Finals

Gordo notices that Jake is missing a thread

Dr Pete wears his Special Sweater

Bob Brewster pretends to laugh at a Ron Craig Joke

Steve wins a Face off!!!

Ernie prepares for the pass

Steve shoots

Johnny A just misses

Da Blades defend
About to score on us

they score the first

Robbo attempts to turn back time

Pete does an olympic twril

Brew is ready

where is the Puck?

Billy can't believe that he is about to be in his first lost game

Paul just misses

Brew looking for garbage

One second before Steve buries the tying goal

Now to try for the lead

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Pete is ready

Paul tries

Johnny A just misses

We have got them

Where is the puck???

Ron Has it

Steve wins a faceoff

Colin is a UFA

So is Pete

Paul wants a new agent

Do you think we can buy a goal??


Too late 10 seconds to go and they score....heads are going to roll

We have Golf now

And Beer

So sad

Lousy Refs


Jim Stones legal council has approached the Gray Blades

wanting to know why there was no mention of Mr. Stone in the last Blog.....first of all there is no evidence that Mr Stone was at the game, as there are no pictures and no reference on the scoring sheet....he was not seen for sure by bleary eyed Gray Blades at the Bar and it is rumoured that he is either in Florida or about to be in Florida...so for the record....LIVE ITS SATURDAY NIGHT


Gray Blades tie Casey's 2 all, enough to advance to the finals

Gordo plays a great game and Johnny A sets up both goals
Brewster scores on a change up to give the Blades their first goal
John Jarman wants Stone to look in Florida for a trailer Park for him
Murray scores the all important tying goal that takes the Blades to the Dance